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Free site monitor tool powered by Google AppEngine

What is PulseBot

PulseBot is a 24/7 site monitor tool hosted on Google's Cloud computing network backed by millions of servers world wide. You may use it to receive alerts send to your Gmail account. PulseBot will check your sites or RSS feeds, Web Services, many times a day, and keep you informed if it's not working, or a keyword appears.

If you are using mobile devices with email facility or using email-to-text services PulseBot can be even more helpful.

There are two types of alerts, which are:

You can create up to 3 alerts which can be used to monitor the same or different URLs.

Start using it now

Please login your Google Account to activate or use your free account. No registration is required.

Login to Google account

Your Google Account authentication is carried out by Google. PulseBot will not and can not handle your password in any way. Only your email address is passed to PulseBot.